I am sure I was crafting before I was walking! It is in my blood and in my soul. I enjoy all mediums but beading is my passion. I am happiest when working on a special creation with a client, helping their dream become a reality. From the time I was a young girl making jams with my grandma to today where I reach for a pair of readers to see the little stuff, I just enjoy creating.
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Holly Rye
- Greetings! I am Holly of HollyDaze. My chosen business name is a fitting rendition of what happens when I get into my studio…it turns into a crafting frenzy and I move from project to project as if in a daze!
I retired froma job that allowed zero creativity and now my mind works faster than my hands. It is not unusual to be juggling 5 or 6 projects all at the same time. I still try to keep with my staples and true love of beading, but always open to try new things!