These boudoir and beauty sessions are not just about a sexy gift for your partner or to show off. These sessions are about making you feel all the amazing that you are! I work in each session to get to know you and help bring out all the things you love about yourself, PLUS help you see some of the things you are missing that need to be celebrated too! These sessions are about self love and appreciation.
♥ You just be you, then let me showcase it ♥
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Alison Hopkins
KAATs Photography
My Name is Alison & I am the photographer of KAATs Photography. I simply adore the nature of photography and how it preserves life’ small moments. I use it to lift spirits, celebrate life and make people smile. It makes me happy to share joy!
KAAT’s helps me do this! I use our time like… a party! Like we are skipping out of class for the day and just doing something purely because we WANT to! Because we DESERVE to. These boudoir & beauty sessions are to refill your cup, have fun and, for some, to be reminded of all the bits you’ve forgotten to appreciate for a while.
The reason I chose to be a boutique boudoir photographer goes deep. So often, people are swept away with the daily struggles and tasks that we are laden with or caught up in the perceived demand for perfections. As a woman, I am keenly aware of the pressures our society puts on us in mental and physical ways for perfection. This is no secret, obviously we all feel it in some degree or another. Self esteem is a beast to tame and it takes many tools. Over the years I have not been granted very many tools in this battle, but I have fought to find my own ways to earn who I am today. In a nut shell, I have risen above many set backs and find myself in a position, nae with an obligation to serve the women in my community to help them reconnect with their inner strengths. I do this through my photography and strive to make a new friend each time I do so!
When I’m not behind the camera, you can typically find me spending time with my husband and our two kiddos, doing something with the Scouts or spending time with the rest of the family. If I am lucky, I get to do one of my favorite things, take my camera on a long walk in our beautiful forests here in NW Arkansas. As a mama myself, I have truly found that photos are the most meaningful artwork we will ever own. In fact, that is one of my favorite phrases I’ve heard, “The most beautiful artwork is love.”