Beautiful 6mm Morganite Stone with whimsical charm combine to create a fun and inspiring set of earrings. The morganite stone usually represents unconditional love and innocence. The bead is varries in shades of pastel pinks, purple and white. The silvery star charm adds the perfect hint of whimsy to symbolize one’s dreams. So you may wonder why I paired a stone representing unconditional love with a star to represent following your dreams, well it’s because loving yourself unconditionally is the first step towards following your dreams. Let’s face it, dreams are hard work. They require a lot of time, energy and money. This design is to remind you that YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! Don’t give up when things are hard.

Mustard Seed
We love. We serve. We worship. Mustard Seed Acquisitions was founded by Keith and Sarah Penick with the idea that living out one’s purpose means stepping out in faith, into the unknown, into the scary uncertainty where anything is possible, including moving mountains and let’s face it, there are many mountains.
The steps to following such as calling aren’t always clear, but we go where God calls and we serve and love on those put before us. From feeding people at community gatherings and bringing worship to the streets, to traveling overseas and supporting ministries that strive to serve the people around them.