Ever wish you just had a giant bag of gummy worms, well look no further. I thought this would be a fun idea, So I hand sewed some vinyl bags with zippers and took plush fleece of colors matching actual gummy worm colors and got creative. The fabrics were hand selected and many hours of work went into making each bag of gummy worms.

Erika Kennedy
My name is Erika, I go by Eri to my friends. I am Autistic and do have ADHD, I also have several other mental health challenges that I am dealing with daily, and some of those challenges are some serious topics. But One thing that has always kept me going and always seems to help me is having art as an outlet, no matter the form of art, no matter how I get to express myself. Art has been one constant support in my life that allows me to express myself and show the world beauty through pain. I’ve had my share of challenges in life, but I always believe in being kind to people, you never know the day someone is having. I’m sort of a jack of all trades when it comes to things I know how to do. I keep busy a lot because of my ADHD, and I do go nonverbal from time to time, this itself can be challenging, but its not the end of the world. I maybe nonverbal at times, but I am fully capable of understanding what you say. My goal in life is to just make a positive difference where I can and maybe one day make a positive difference in the world helping people through art.