Pet Dish – Small

Dowd House Studios | Prairie Grove

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Bowl measures: 2 1/4 inches tall x 5 1/2 inches wide

A low wide dish your kitty (or small pup) will love for water or food. Our studio cat (Merlin) sips water from a very similar dish. He even used one for food (until we put him on a diet with a smaller dish) and the best part was he couldn’t tip it over! Messy kitty.

Bowls feature hand drawings of favorite pet frenemies: fishes, bunnies, mice, bones…

Smooth and glossy, this dish is food safe and safe for use in the dishwasher and microwave.

pet dish, bowl,

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Jenny Dowd


Dowd House Studios


Prairie Grove




As a kid in Kansas, Jenny Dowd credits an insatiable appetite for all things art to creative, inventive parents, constant reading and “epic road trips” with the fam. After earning her BFA in Ceramics from Kansas State (where she met her husband, Sam by exchanging phone numbers carved into pieces of clay) and an MFA from the University of Missouri-Columbia, Jenny has taught and shown art all over the U.S.

A recent transplant to NWA, Jenny and Sam now live in Prairie Grove where they operate Dowd House Studios as full-time artists. Fascinated by the relationship between collector and object, Jenny primarily works in clay to produce functional, quirky, interactive pieces that jive with place and person. She also teaches at the Community Creative Center in Fayetteville.