I’ve been working with metal, wood, stone, and glass for years. I fell in love with turning wood on a lathe while making a ring for my wife. Her passion to be a health care professional led me to staying home with the kids when they were in elementary school. Wood turning was something I could do from the house. Over the years I’ve remodeled a few properties. Often these projects pushed me to learn new techniques and gather tools as I worked. Then I was able to incorporate these into my artwork. Making accent pieces for homes, offices, and our family cabin sharpened these skills. With my personal projects wrapping up, I now have time to produce extra pieces for sale to the public. Thanks for supporting artist and craftsman who work with their hands to make unique creations. You can view my store on Etsy by searching for the shop name, IngrainByDesign.
You can also watch me work on my YouTube channel here:
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Corey Brady
Ingrain By Design